The vision and goals of your company determine the processes - and the processes determine which IT system makes sense at all and which provider is the best fit. The focus is on the connection between people and the system to ensure a high level of acceptance by involving employees at an early stage.
Analysis of the current status
With an independent view from outside and based on our many years of experience, we first analyse the processes in your organisation or individual organisational areas (e.g. purchasing, sales, performance recording) and identify initial potential for improvement. Together with employees from your company, target processes are defined, which serve as the baseline for the requirements of the system.
Requirements specification
The results, together with a comprehensive catalogue of criteria/questions, are used to create the specifications. A sophisticated evaluation system is created for the most objective possible assessment of the providers and their solutions. This is the only way to ensure that the selection and introduction of a new software solution and the parallel improvements in organisational processes and the organisation will achieve the desired progress in productivity.
Selection and allocation
On this foundation, we then evaluate the right IT systems for your company/organisation. In a multi-stage selection process - in the case of public clients within the framework of an allocation procedure - we first evaluate the providers on the bases of the answered questionnaires and the previously jointly created evaluation scheme, narrow down the group of providers in close consultation and draw up a shortlist. Within the scope of an on-site demonstration, these providers have to present their solutions based on predefined practical tasks; reference visits complete the picture. We support you in the final selection as well as in drafting the contract.
project management
Many years of experience in the management of projects and a "hands-on" mentality in implementation: with this understanding of ourselves, we support you in the deployment of the new software and the parallel running change processes.
Through agile procedures in our projects, we ensure continuous feedback on what has been achieved and thus enable the ongoing adaptation of the solution and organisational optimisations to changing framework conditions, taking into account the project budget defined in advance.